Five-minute general counsel: choose a nonprofit entity

By Rick Colosimo / May 11, 2020 / Comments Off on Five-minute general counsel: choose a nonprofit entity

I recently got an inquiry for someone with an unusual entity selection question. Here it is: “I am in the process of creating a non-profit. Can you please tell me whether you think a non-profit should be an LLC or Corp… and why?” Now, this person didn’t just pull my name out of a hat;…

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What do you do when a startup relationship gets rocky?

By Rick Colosimo / April 20, 2020 / Comments Off on What do you do when a startup relationship gets rocky?

I don’t mean third-date awkwardness, or figuring out how to let him know you’re not ready to introduce him to your friends. No, we’re talking about how to handle going from start-up to break-up. Co-founders have complicated relationships: you have usually known the other founder as a co-worker or friend for months or even many…

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Another reason you need a board

By Rick Colosimo / April 12, 2016 / Comments Off on Another reason you need a board

The HBR recently shared the results of a study showing that an increase in the amount of flattery received by a CEO disproportionately increased the likelihood of the CEO being fired. “You look mahvelous” Flattering the CEO increases chance of getting [him] fired — rickcolosimo (@rickcolosimo) November 5, 2013 That link is dead: look…

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How do I create a board?

By Rick Colosimo / March 4, 2016 / Comments Off on How do I create a board?

You’ve read my post on the benefits of having a board in your closely held company, and you’re convinced. You’re ready to move forward but stuck at step 2. How do you go about putting a board together? For most companies, major investors push for governance rights and the structure of the board becomes an…

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