One equation, two variables

By Rick Colosimo / February 29, 2008 / Comments Off on One equation, two variables

This post is going to be hard for me to write because when I sent the linked article to colleagues, including an economics professor and a finance whiz, I said some unflattering things about the ideas espoused in the article and about the author who claims them as his own. The author complains that markets…

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Seek more responsibility for greater profit

By Rick Colosimo / February 24, 2008 / Comments Off on Seek more responsibility for greater profit

The linked article from the WSJ’s technology section by Walt Mossberg talks about the trials involved in setting up a new computer when trying to transfer files, settings, and programs from the old computer to the new one. Windows style: Buy a special new “easy transfer” cable for $40 and only get some of your…

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Government sites with links?!?

By Rick Colosimo / February 12, 2008 / Comments Off on Government sites with links?!?

This article from the NYT identifies what it describes as “helpful” government websites for small businesses. The most intriguing thing to me is that half of the sites mentioned are identified as useful because of links to other organizations! Here’s a summary and a quick overview of what the site really does for small businesses:…

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By Rick Colosimo / January 21, 2008 / Comments Off on

I’m going to be writing much more often in the new year. You’ll see all my posts here, which will include personal items related to law, autistic spectrum disorders, and politics as well as the ThoughtStorm Strategic Capital posts also posted at the TSC website blog page. I welcome your thoughts and comments. Rick Colosimo

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