Why the "best" law journals are mostly worthless

By Rick Colosimo / July 19, 2013 / Comments Off on Why the "best" law journals are mostly worthless

This WSJ law blog post references a Georgetown constitutional law professor who thinks we should get rid of the Constitution because, effectively, he’s smarter than 200+ years of Americans and will get it exactly right.  You should know that law journals are not edited by professionals, and law review articles are not subject to anything you would…

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Why I write

By Rick Colosimo / May 20, 2010 / Comments Off on Why I write

Many of my readers have seen my “Five-minute General Counsel” blog post series. The idea is to give readers an informed opinion that, while not specific to their situation, highlights some of the major issues involved in various decisions, such as whether to form an LLC or corporation for your tech startup. (Hint: read this…

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New page of observations

By Rick Colosimo / November 27, 2009 / Comments Off on New page of observations

NB: Google Reader is long gone, so these links to the Observations page have been removed. I’m sorry too. Following in the footsteps of giants, I’ve decided to create a separate page to track my notes on shared items from Google Reader. One reason for this is to encourage me to comment on GReader items…

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Value-sharing: knowledge leads to questions

By Rick Colosimo / October 27, 2009 / Comments Off on Value-sharing: knowledge leads to questions

Today I was asked about my recent Five-minute lawyer series of posts. To me, these sorts of posts add lots of value for readers who have these questions at little real detriment to me; after all, I already know the answers to these general questions. Is sharing knowledge a good strategy? I obviously think so,…

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